I only have one full day left in Italy. A place that has been my home, I must say goodbye to. However, I do not know if this goodbye is a final Ciao, or I will see you after my holiday in America A doppo. This is the hard part. Am I to say to my friends, thank you for being my friend, but I will never see you again, or let's make plans for the fall.
As I try to make plans for my future, I keep running into the same roadblock. It is very unknown. Yes, I am making it unpredictable by deciding to be wherever my love is, but as a constant planner, a resume maker, and a childish dreamer, this is very tough.
Do I shed a tear to be leaving one of the best years of my life, or do I get excited for my trip to the great US of A? This question has been driving me insane for months, but with only one day left here my heart stings to know how I should feel. Yes, I am emotional, but I don't know which emotion is correct.
I must say, I am thankful for both my job here in Italy, and my job back in the US. Both are willing to work with me, and holding there breath to know my decision. For this I am grateful.
As soon as I speak to family on the phone, or see a life event of a friend on facebook, I long to be on American soil. But as soon as I have dinner with friends here, drink some wine, and laugh loudly, I want this year to continue to another. The toughest decisions are the ones where both choices are wonderful.
But to the readers of this blog, please don't stop reading. I am not yet finished. I have a trip to Wales for Elenor's wedding, my very first trip to Paris, and Marco's "meeting of the parents." So as I pack three suitcases, on backpack, and a barely used guitar, I have to say, "Ciao,"....or " A doppo."