Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Arrivederci USA (the sad part)...

I am in the Baltimore airport for a nice 7 hour lay over.  I almost missed my flight out this morning, made it only by using my out of shape body to run through the terminal.  When I got to the closing gate, my lungs hurt. But here, I have arrived.  My second of four flights.

The thrill of moving to Italy is becoming more tangible, as I have now said all my goodbyes.  After tears and tissues, I have finally done it.

Things are going pretty well so far.  I did get to my flight.  The extremely hot coffee I had in air did not spill on me.  Southwest informed me they recycle (way to go tree huggin' airlines!) The tears are now over.

Windows Movie maker is giving me the most difficult time, yet, I am still on cloud nine.  So, as promised, here is the grand goodbye. In video form of course!

I will soon figure out why it does not directly link to my page.

So, this post is dedicated to all things goodbye.  Mia Famiglia, mio amichi, mia cane, mia casa. So for an little added bonus, good bye college.  Here's to no more undergrad, and welcome to the real world/fantasy world of Italia.

Megan sat through the whole darn thing

My parents!

Adam! So grateful he came!
Now for this goodbye video. I asked no one's permission, so please don't sue. See it as fame, and go with it.
WOW! Everyone! I did it. I'm moving to Italy.  To all those I love, just know, I'll be thinking of you while I iron all of the clothes I rolled and vacuum sealed into my two suitcases and one carry. Ciao!

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