Thursday, June 6, 2013

All There is to Know: British English

Here I am living in Italy. A goal of mine is to, without question, learn Italian. Problem, I spend 8 hours of my day teaching English. Therefore, I speak English.

Now, The only real qualification I have to teach English myself, is that I speak it. Anytime I am able to be understood by another human being, it's because I speak English. That's it. The only reason I can teach English to Italians. (Yes, I do have a degree in education, and years of experience in the teaching field, but nonetheless.)

Rather large issue: I speak what my students call American. (Americans speak English, if this gave you pause.) I teach British English. Hmmm...the only time I was ever in Britain, was for the short layover on my way here.  I have to teach students the correct way to speak, while I hail from the land of West Virginia. Perfectto.
Common decoration in my school

Let's go work

So, my American friends, the next time you see me, not only will I know how to speak much more Italian, but also a bit of British. (Which is also English, if you are still not following.)

I find it lovely that I will talk so, and if you have a bloody issue with it, cock it up!

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