Right before my WV lesson
While I appreciate the life I now have in Italy, of beauty, a profession, new people, and eternal learning of languages, I want some of the many comforts of home...not to mention air conditioning.
Here is a list of the things I miss most.
1. Jiff Peanut Butter. There's nothing quite like it.
2. Back to school season. (And notebooks that don't fall apart due to a lack of an actual spiral.)
3. My car. Well, maybe not my car. But driving.
4. The feeling of football season.
5. V8
6. Being in the country, yet in the city (town) at the same time. In Italy a city is a city is a city. I miss the country side.
(At Cooper's Rocks)
7. Barnes and Noble. Who knew the books in Italy would be in Italian. Strange.
8. Vegan options. I really love Black Bear in Morgantown.
9. Working with children. I am solely cut out to be an elementary teacher. I love 'em.
(I do not know these children, but the image made me giggle)
10. But most of all, I miss these.
My wonderful girlfriends. Nothing like them.
Adam. He's pretty great.
My family. These are my parents. A small representation of my family.
The peanut butter made me laugh - it's what my brother missed most when living in Hungary! Missing you, sweet girl. Love reading about your adventures!