Friday, November 15, 2013

Jesseanna: Italian Chef (3)

You will need:
Polenta mix (corn bread mix to Americans)
Gorgonzola Cheese(optional for Vegans)
1. Chop onions and place in frying pan with land.
2. Chop mushrooms and place in pan with onions.
3. Boil water.
4. Mix polenta mix into boil water.
5. Stir polenta for 8 minutes solid.
6. Place Polenta on a plate.
7. Mix Gorgonzola into hot mushrooms and onions.
8. When cheese has melted put mixture onto plate of polenta.
9. Eat.
Polenta is not a favorite meal on mine for sure. It is very heavy. It makes you feel horrible about yourself after you finish it, (especially if you weigh yourself afterwards.) But this is a very Italian meal. So it is up to you to choose.

Because none of the recipes I provide on here are healthy and I so desperately want to get in shape, I am also going to provide my weekly workout plan for your use.
1. Run for a half hour 3 days a week.
2. Yoga every morning before calming yourself with a cup of tea.
3. Gym workout of core and legs 3 days a week. (This includes three different types of crunches, inner and outer thigh resistance exercises, and leg press.
So you too can eat Italian and look like Barbie.

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