Friday, November 8, 2013

A Buono or Bene Tutti Santi

I recently was able to go with my roommate to the other side of Italy to visit with her family for the holiday of Tutti Santi.

Tutti Santi is a holiday similar to Halloween except, here in Italy, people are sad, there is no candy, no playing tricks, it is completely religious, and no one dresses up. So, I suppose it really doesn't have anything in common with Halloween.

Supposed to be the holiday people travel to cemeteries to remember loved ones people lost, it has become just a national holiday where people get a day off. So for my three day weekend I headed to Ancona to spend time with my roomies family.

Let's just say it was a treat. Not having a couch at my current apartment I realize how much I miss relaxing in front of the TV. I miss my dog, and my cat being around Ari's.  And after spending much needed time in a home with a family, I began to really miss my own. Longing to be home over a holiday I don't celebrate in a country people would die to visit. Yup, that about sums it up.

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