I say Italian, you tell me what you think of. Ready...
Italian: (time to think here)
Let me guess, a red Vespa, the streets of Rome, Pizza. Yeah, I have completed two out of three. That's right everyone, I managed to ride a Vespa.
I usually walk home from work everyday, even when it is dark, and after being egged. I am slightly paranoid to venture these four kilometers everyday, so I openly tell my coworkers. The other night, after leaving the front door in the dark to venture on, I was asked by my new found friend, Alex if I wanted a ride...on his Vespa. Um yes, yes I do. I grabbed the helmut from the back, and hopped on. It wasn't exactly as easy as hopping on because my pants were really tight, but you get the idea.
After making it very clear how freaked out I was we slowly travelled to my home. I say slowly with a bit of reluctance. We were pretty much standing still, which I greatly appreciate as I desperately clutched onto the coat of the man in front of me. (Hint: motorcycles very much scare me, but scooters are a load of fun.)
Because I enjoyed this experience so much, I have to say to all my Italian friends, if you would like to give me a ride home from work on your scooter when it's dark and I am paranoid, I will let you.
Seriously, could my life be anymore of an Italian dream. I just rode a Vespa through the streets of Pisa. (O.K. so the guy was my Canadian friend, and the vespa may have been off brand, but you get the picture.)
Til next time....meep meep.
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